About Us


About OpenSTEM

The OpenSTEM Research group is a part of the Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal at the University of Washington Bothell.

Our Team

We are faculty and staff at the University of Washington Bothell who come from a variety of backgrounds: learning sciences, computer science, art, digital learning, science education, and teacher education.

Further Reading

News & Publications

Publications, presentations, news, and events

A father and daughter wash their hands at the kitchen sink

Covid-related lessons for young students

April 2021 Amanda Thornton, a third-grade teacher at Ridgefield, Washington, saw her students were very afraid last fall when they talked about COVID-19. When she heard about a new teaching …

Dr. Carrie Tzou

Tzou receives research, scholarship award

May 2020 Carrie Tzou, recipient of the University of Washington Bothell’s 2020 Distinguished Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award, has a current project gaining attention online as a resource for …